Summer is Coming! Summer Camp, that is! Since releasing this film we have had two more comments on Week 1 which brings the total to 18 with a 64% participation rate for Week One! Well Done!

Click here for Week 3’s Video!

To watch Week One’s video again, click here.

Week Two Activities:

1st: Comment in the “Reply” section at the very bottom of this page. Answer the following question: What is your favorite Summer Camp destination or memory or your favorite Summer Time destination or memory. (You do NOT have to enter your email or website in the form).
Assignment due: Thursday, February 21st COB!

2nd: Continue working on your 60 Second “A Little About Me” Video. Be creative and informative. Let us know about YOU! You can email the video file up to 2GB using My email is
Videos are due on or before Friday, March 1st (preferably before).

Please reach out to me with any questions or concerns at or call my cell: 832-492-9389. My business is YOUR Success!

In the meanwhile, let’s have some fun and CREATE! Let’s see who has responded so far…


28 thoughts on “HMS West Team: Week 2

  1. I never did a summer camp, but every year, my family would go to Kansas City for a week. We always spent a day at Worlds of Fun, spent time with family members that lived in the area and went to a lake and jumped off the cliffs into it. Great memories!

  2. Carbide Summer Camp in Charleston West Virginia. I loved spending two weeks in the woods singing songs, riding horses and shooting bows and arrows. So many great memories. I can still feel the cool mountain air as I write this post. The only downside was getting picked up after camp. This was before cell phones and my dad was always late…and I was always the last kid to get picked up. I remember crying and the camp counselor, Donna, hugging me to comfort me while we waited…which I guess to a 9-year-old boy was the highlight of Camp! lol

    1. Derrick, I think you were lucky. Not sure many people went to camp but we all saw those movies about camp! HA

  3. I only had one summer camp experience in 4th grade. I still remember the songs we learned. Ah uni coochi catch i uni………really???

  4. I’ve never attended summer camp, but my favorite memories would have to be serving as a councilor at D.A.R.E camps, and spending a week each year at my grandparents home in Palm Harbor, FL (outside of Tampa). The house is no longer in the family, and I miss those experiences each and every summer!

  5. I’ve never attended a Summer Camp, but my best memories would have to be serving as a councilor at D.A.R.E camps or spending a week each year at my grandparents home in Palm Harbor, FL (outside of Tampa). The house is no longer in the family, and I miss those memories each and every summer!

  6. I have never attended a summer camp but we had camp-like experiences in Girl Scouts. I remember playing a game where we were supposed to find a flag in the dark with flashlights. My group got entirely lost and ended up down by the lake. We decided to give in and spent the night laughing about how we got lost and deciding when we would go back to find everyone else.

  7. My favorite summer time memory is going to NYC last summer with my mom and brother. We normally don’t get to spend much time together outside of a few days around the holidays, so it was great spending the week with them and experiencing NYC for the first time. 🙂

  8. My favorite summertime memory is the summer of my senior year in High School, there is a local park which had great basketball competition from around all of NJ play every night and I loved playing and being competitive with some of the best players around the state.

  9. Like many others I didn’t do summer camp growing up either. I grew up with 24 cousins and most weekends in the summer were spent getting together with them. Time was always spent playing outdoors, jumping on the trampoline, swimming, going down by the frog ponds, etc. With that many kids around there was always an adventure and a lot of great memories.

  10. My favorite camp memory was the summer before my junior year of high school. I went to a mission camp for a week with my youth group at Belmont University in Nashville and did mission work around the city.

  11. My favorite summer camp memory was the summer before my junior year of high school. I went to a mission camp at Belmont University in Nashville with my youth group and did mission work around the city.

  12. My favorite summer camp memory was the summer before my junior year of high school. I went to a mission camp with my youth group at Belmont University in Nashville and did mission work around the city.

  13. My favorite summertime destination was Emerald Isle (a NC beach). Our entire family on my mom’s side would meet there for a week every summer, and we made some lifelong memories and traditions (which usually included sunburns from too much fun in the sun!).

  14. My favorite summer camp was math camp… yes, I was one of “those” kids. LOL! Favorite destination was White Water fun park in OKC. Mom would drop us off for all day adventures. Smart woman, my brother and I were exhausted at the end of the day!

  15. My favorite summertime destination as a child was Emerald Isle (NC beach). Our entire family on my mom’s side would meet there for a week every summer, where we made lifelong memories and traditions (and typically got a nice sunburn from too much fun in the sun).

  16. Summer camps were real??! I grew up in the country, so summers were spent waiting on cousins to visit when we would tube down the Rio Frio and Sabinal rivers, fish every hole of water we could find and ride 3-wheelers through the country for hours on end.

  17. camp? never heard of it….I cut lawns every summer since there were no child labor laws back in the old days. Any free time was spent ridding my bike within a 20 mile radius of my house since it was acceptable for parents not to know where there kids were util dinner time.

  18. The only summer camp I ever attended was Swim Camp at Texas A&M (surprise, surprise). Don’t let the word ‘camp’ fool you, there was only about 1 hour of ‘scheduled fun’ a day. The rest of the day was grueling practices (3 per day), classroom sessions, and technique improvement sessions. However, my favorite part of that was that I attended the camp with my best friend and, at the time, it felt like we were actually in college together. We ended up attending 3 more years.

  19. No Summer Camping…just camping with the family…annually from California to Illinois every August to see the “Grandmas, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins”….for 17 years.

  20. My favorite summer camp memory was going to Tennis camp with my sister and meeting a bunch of people from all other schools in the area and competing against and with them in different tournament play sets.

  21. my favorite “camp” was a summer basketball tournament in College Station (at A&M) where were competed against other HS teams in prep for school season. We lived in the dorms for a weekend and had a great time bonding as a team

  22. My favorite memory of summer camp would have to be when we would sit around the campfire and tell ghost stories. Then, like crazy kids, we would take hikes in the dark woods without the counselors. While terrifying, it was quite fun!

  23. No summer camp but we owned a camp on Bushman’s Lake in Indiana where we would spend our summers.

  24. Summer camp? I wish… I spent my summers either grounded to eternity for something I did, riding my bike barefoot with no helmet, playing baseball all hours of the day while surviving on fried baloney or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches washed down with Kool-Aid my mom made for me and my friends every day for lunch. Now I have PTSD from not being exposed to the summer camp experience and I’m acting out as a result. Mothers! Please get your kids to summer camp or they may turn out like me! Oh the humanity!

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